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Dams and Hydrology

Water Level and Flow Rates

The Québec government operates a hydrometric network of some 280 stations. This network makes it possible to obtain historical, real-time and forecast data on water levels and flow rates throughout Québec. This data is essential for the following purposes.

Observations and forecasts

Data on water levels and flow rates are collected almost entirely by the hydrometric stations on a continuous basis (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). The data is recorded every 15 minutes by the measuring instruments and transmitted hourly by telephone, cellular or satellite link.

The hydrometric stations section of the Hydroclimatic Atlas provides access to three types of data for visualization:

Studies and archives

Hydrometric stations provide the data necessary for analyzing hydrological, hydraulic and environmental issues. To learn more about station locations and flow calculation methods, consult the following pages:

Water levels and flow rates affected by dam structures

The Québec government can determine whether action is required on public dams to regulate water levels and flow rates, based on various parameters and management constraints, and can perform such action.

To learn more about the dams of Québec, consult the dam directory (French) and the official page describing the Ministry’s activities for dam safety and dam operations (French).

For questions about a river whose level or flow is affected by a dam, write to us at one of the following email addresses:


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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
© Gouvernement du Québec, 2025